Thursday, 27 December 2012
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
I have popped my Southern Hemisphere Xmas cherry.
It was a most pleasant pop!
Have to admit to slightly dreading xmas, as its a wobbly time for me, but decided I can just treat it like any other day, just enjoy a day off work. That I did, the sun was shining bright, the sea a glistening, so a day at the beach was had. It is a mere hop across the road, so when it got too hot, could pop back for a snooze! I had a good swim in the ocean, which wasn't at all too cold. There is little platform that you climb onto to have wee rest, which was a nice little meeting spot, everyone happy to be playing in the sun between face stuffing sessions. I viewed a 'sport' I have to say was a new one on me.........a jet ski, a man attached to a long hose, powerful jets of water and man is pushed up into the air. Most odd, slightly reminded me of Inspector Gadget, but with added face planting.
In the evening we had a bbq, which was lovely. I purchased some most tasty Chorizo sausages from the butchers and we all made a dish. I then fancied a walk on the beach to clear my head and ended up on the wharf with a group of peeps playing guitar and singing with lightening glowing in the mountains surrounding us, a lovely way to see out the day.
Akaroa is a beautiful spot, a nice wee town and stunning views from work. It is taking me a wee while to settle again, I haven't really met any locals mostly travellers, its quite touristy and I miss Corromandel! I know it just takes me a while, once I have somewhere to live and made a few friends I will be all good and feel less out on a limb! I have been here nearly a week now, I am sitting watching the dramatic weather come in over the mountain behind the hostel. Yesterday was 27+ degrees today its rainy and tomorrow a max of 14 degrees! Crazy country.
Its good to be working, less than a week of not working was sending me funny, seems my brain needs to be occupied or it goes into melt down mode trying to entertain itself! Its a nice cafe I work at, right on the water, I can hear the waves crashing in under the cafe when in its quiet and surrounded by stunning mountainous views. Its a bust spot, on the go from start to finish, but busy is good and being chucked in the deep end has its benifits once bunny has removed itself from headlights!
I thought I may be just washing up wench, but have actually done mostly front of house, learnt new stuff already. I served drinks for the first time and can work the till (mostly), there have been some crazed beeping moments when the till has a liitle moment, user error I'm totally sure. But I'm workung on the principle if you smile sweetly, most people will overlook the incompetence! Actually been quite pleased with myself.
Xmas wildlife spot - a huge eel type thing swimming in the stream flowing under the hostel. Gi huge he was.
Hilarious work moment - walking into kitchen, to be told to turn around, a colleague with a tissue, to be told I had bird crap all down my back! He kindly cleaned me up! I wonder how long it would haventaken for a customer to tell me!
The question still remains, is this good luck?
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Guide to the galaxy
Mention hitchhiking in most countries and may as well be telling your Granny you are on your way to Tripoli on a Penny Farthing.
Here it is widely accepted as a form of transport, especially in Corromandel. Its not seedy or scary just a way to get around.
So when in Rome................
Our thumbs went up in the pouring rain, with only the reassurance from others that it would be 'sweet'.
A slight smell of scrounging made us apprehensive, but within 5-10 minutes our first ride arrived. The need to remove the baby seat from the back seat was a reassurance, but really didn't need it. Half our journey done, barely out of the car and our second lift, a pity lift. Two soggy girls with luggage on the side of the road is apparently difficult to ignore.
This was all it took to get from Corromandel to Auckland. A real experince, an adventure but perhaps a one off!
Its in my book of scary things done now, don't want to jinx it!
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
coromandel I'll miss you
I have left behind gorgeous Coromandel after a wonderful month.
My first Wwoofing experience was an experience in many ways, all good.
Most wow moment : coming out of a wooded path to stunningly secluded, white sanded, glistening waters of New Chums beach.
Biggest headache : drunken night after failed kareoke attempt, and failed piggy back ride home, pavements and skulls not a pleasant sound make.
Bottle it moment : sleeping on the beach under the stars
Giggliest moment : Sheeeeeeep
Best meal : fish and mussel sausages on the fire in the forest
Most confusing language moment : netting/knitting, hot/hat, Carrol/karl.
Best view : top of the success track overlooking Coromandel
Bird Spot : kingfisher flying right in front of me
Most heartwarming moments: hugs from new friends
Great food moment: picking lemons, grapefruits and avacados straight off the tree in the garden.
New skills : stone skimming, fishing, playing big bootie!
Heartattack moment: a possom the size of a house jumping on the roof.
That pretty much sums it up!
Awesome fun, learnt a lot, happy times.
Onwards. Next NZ chapter in the South Island, Banks Penninsula.
Friday, 7 December 2012
Fishy goodness
Well that went well. My first move for my next destination was to try for one of those paid job thingy's, and I got one!
I am going to another cafe, down in the South Island this time, on the Banks Penninsula. It is right on the beach and I should get some baking action too, yeep.
I have another week here in Corromandel, then a few days getting down south with my lovely workmate.
After nearly 3 weeks living in a veggie cafe I was really starting to crave fish, so I was cooked scallops and shark by a lovely new friend, yummy it was too. Craving sorted!
A couple of very rainy days here, but we escaped the Tornado, which after the devestation it has caused, was a relief.
The sun is shining in the cafe garden and I am about to start my shift.
Washing up needs me.
Over and out
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
A month
I have been here for a whole one of those! I left the uk, on the 1st of November and it is now December, I am in shorts and Tshirt in December, confusing times. Confusing but pleasing.
I am really happy here now, it took me a while to settle but I feel good here. I have met some lovely people and have a social life for the first time in years. The job is good, I enjoy being in a buzzy place, with people coming and going. I have two more weeks here and have a feeling I'm going to miss it. So glad to to feel this way after a freaked out start, rabbit in the head lights of a monster truck driving down the middle of a motorway.
On Sunday my head was filled with this.......Happiness is sitting here surrounded by new friends, watching a movie in our homemade cinema, having just cooked everyone a dinner of Mousakka and Apple Crumble and custard. Contented inner glow.
I have had a lovely day off, taken fishing by a colleague, sitting out in the sea in a wee boat in the sun watching penguins. The excitement of almost catching a fish but not quite, sustained me for a while. We stopped off at Rat island for a leg stretch and a wee! Something so special and exciting about uninhabited islands. Sat on a piece of driftwood watching the ripples in the cyrstal clear waters and shiney shells on white sand.
However nice it feels to be moving around, exploring new places, the feeling of being recognised and knowing people somewhere new is lovely, like an acceptence.
My hut has been my only bug bear really, but even that, I've grown to love, even with a door that doesn't close without a kick and a host of beasties visiting through the gaps in the windows and doors. I had a sweep and a wipe yesterday, I have clean bedding and felt comfy in there today. Even the most basic space can feel like a sanctury. The nicest thing is things I have taken for granted now being luxuries, light, water, power, luxuries we are blessed with. Living wih out them has been quite liberating.
Back at work in morning but off to see a new friend in the evening, for me being invited to do things is a beautiful novelty and makes me feel alive.
Hugs to all
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Sitting on a sofa in a little veggie cafe in Corromandel. My home for the last week.
It's lovely up here, you really feel a million miles from anywhere, quiet, chilled and beautiful.
I am working in the Driving Creek Cafe, out of town, placed next to a railway built on elevated tracks in the forest.
Its fairly remote and getting anywhere other than town without wheels is a bit of a no go. So operation make friends with the locals all go! Although over here and especially up these neck of the woods, hitch hiking is an excepted form of transport and safe. So I gave it a whirl, another first for me, was great, everyone is so nice here, strange to get used to, but people are just genuinely nice. Very refreshing.
I have been to the top of the penninsula, at Port Jackson, pretty wild and kind of got the I'm at the top of the world feeling, even more than at Cape Reinga, probably because its not a tourist trail and just is what it is.
I also visited whangapoua, up a very wiggly hill, right up high, a beautiful white sand beach, but then I took the walk over the stoney forested waters edge to New Chums beach, a proper movie moment, when I came out from the sheltered track to be greeted with a pristine white sand beach and turqouise waters, all but deserted.
Yesterday I went on a walk, called the success track boy did it feel like it at the top! Its was a toughie, steep and rough terrain, streams, branches and some cool caves, they were actually mining shafts, but I liked them as caves! We were helping set traps, not normally one for killing creatures (earwigs being my Exception) it is geuninely to assist the growth of the kiwi population, which I'm all for.
Working is good, being around food too ( in the producing sense although much eating of too!). My payment is a wee hut in the garden and access to the fridge. Pretty cool and working with some lovely people.
Have visited some of my issues here, not a happy jaunt, but trying to accept great things can also be difficult.
First day of rain since being here, so all cosied up inside under a blankie with a tummy full of scrambled egg on toast.
R xxx
Sunday, 18 November 2012
a few pics for you
Kauri Forest
Bay in Northland
Cape Reinga
Ninety Mile Beach
Sailing in the Bay of Islands
Mangroves on Hururu Trail
Hururu Falls
Rainy beauty part deux
Any way, so think we were on mussels picked from the rocks, which were delicious. Did get me some strange looks in the hostel kitchen, but hey ho, used to that!
I had a nice lazy day after my orca day, a well needed chill out. This enjoying yourself is crackering!
My lovely new pal from the flight came up to Paihia and enjoyed a good catch up with her and new friends alike. I then went on a sailing trip on a gorgeous tall ship, call the R Tucker THompson, which is run for a Youth program, they do trips in the summer to fund it. It was such a great day, fun and relaxing all in one. It was so great to be on the water, to feel like I was boating again, which I have missed so much. I did some steering (I managed a few hours before I need to get in on the action!), but all a bit different to canal boating and I kept trying to steer the opposite way! Ah well I did manage not to crash into the cruise whip, so all good! The water was apparently still only about 6degrees, but I couldn't resisit it, so not doing anything the easy way, I did a rope swing into the sea off the boat! Lordy that was fun, felt like tarzan! No loin cloth sadly.
yesterday, I had a few hours to kill until mybus arrived to whisk me away from my paradise. A few weeks ago this would have meant sitting on the sofa with tea and a catch up on downtown abbey, but now, it meant going on a 14 odd km walk through forest and mangroves to a waterfall! It was stunning, the waterfall was lovely and could listen to it for hours, but the walk was incredible, think I was smiling the whole way. Apart from the jaw dropping moment when I emerged from the forest to an expanse of turqoise water, with a bridge across, to thick mangroves. A moment that will be with me forever I am sure. My legs were like jelly afterwards, but happily exhauseted!
Lots of active fun stuff, but some chilled out moments as lovely, like playing monopoly with a bottle of gorgeous NZ wine and giggles with new friends. Lying in our bunk beds mimiking the drink people outside and lying on the beach have a good gossip.
I had the most amazing time indeed, stunning in everyway.
I am back in Auckland for the day, sorting some stuff out and then I am off again tomorrow. I head off to the Coromandel. I have a wwoofing job up there, which entails working for accomodation and food, I shall be working in an Organic Cafe, very much looking forward to getting stuck into something and sampling Nz life outside holidaying!
See you there.
Friday, 16 November 2012
rainy beauty
i travelled up to Paihia on monday for some chill time and good scenery, and got it in bucket loads. it is gorgeous here and have ended up staying all week, just didnt want to move.
I'm staying in a lovely hostel with the beach just a spit away. A small relaxed town surrounded by sparkly waters. mostly. Have had some rainy days, but even through the gales and driving rain today it remains beautiful.
I have been up to the most northly point Cape Reinga, so called but not quite true. celebrated with a lighthouse and the belief that its where bad spirits leave. It felt special to me and hope some of my negative spirits left me too.
The day also consisted of flinging myself down a huge sand dune, face first. Sandboarding was a new one on me but lordy was it fun! Ninety mile beach is also a bit of a fib, but with golden sands as far as the eye can see, who really cares that its really only about 87 km.
The next day took me on a dokphin swimming trip, sadly bo dokphins to be seen, but a gorgeous family of Orca's graced us with their presence. They came right up the boat and swam under us, think they were saying hekko after watching them from afar for hours, quite breathtaking. A trip around the bay of islands, even without dolohins was a joy. There were some volcanic protrusions like the giants causeway apparently nestled amoungst the islands. One of the guides jumped off t
Sunday, 11 November 2012
hemisphere swapping
well hello over there from all the way over here.
i am sitting in central auckland in my hostel room, listening to the rain batter against the window. it really is as crazy weather as sthey say. i was sutting in thep park eating icecream in the blazing sun yesterday!
so i left just over a week ago and still cant really believe im here. i thought it would sink in, but no, still seems crazy. good crazy!
first port of call was Hong Kong, which i loved, a beautiful city, the contrast of a city skyline against sparkling waters and lush green mountains just gave it so much charm. we stayedin kowloon, out of the tourist area so saw a locals side which was great. i took a trip to lantau island and up the cable car to see the giant bhudda, the scenery was stunning and loved a bit of spirituality to top me up. the hotel was pretty luxury for a traveller, i even had a sauna like and swim on the last day, bliss!
another 11 hour flight saw us into Auckland, the fresh air and lush green to start my New Zealand adventure.
it has been a manic week, especially coming from the boonies into a huge city. but bank accounts needed setting up and phone numbers getting,. but have also been busy exploring, i went to north head and climbed the volcano mound and down the caves, went to waheki island on the ferry, a spot of wine tasting perhaps! it was beautiful there, quiet and slow and the cleanest air. the city art gallery was great and the lovely Albert park.
not forgetting a catch up dinner with a friend not seen for 20 years!
Auckland has been great, but time for a change and get miving. im off up north tomorrow morning, at the crack. be nice to be bit more chilled, have had a great week, but m all achey and tired, need some sitting down!
looks like i have some work for a few weeks at the end of the month, which gets me free accomodation, yey!
right rosie bo boo time, back soon with some photographic evedience im really here.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
A land down under
Rosie's new adventure involves 2 x 12 hours on a big airy plane, thousands of miles and a green rucksack.
I am off to New Zealand tomorrow, flying out to discover a new world, a happy healthy world.
I am off to explore and find work, something I have dreamed of doing for many years but various things always preventing me from doing so. So I am taking my nomadic ways pretty much as far as I can!
I have no plans, leaving my adventure to take its own course and leaving any pressures behind me.
excited doesn't really cover it, A great big ball of nervous excitement has filled my tummy and whenever I think of the feeling I smile. This is what I love and what puts fire in my belly. New things, the unkown and a big challenge!
Rosie's dream is back in business, so feel free to keep track of my travels and keep in touch, will still need you all.
Bye bye and see you on the other side of the hemisphere.
Saturday, 13 October 2012
New Doors
I had a great time on the boat, discovered a world I never knew existed, developed confidence and met some great people. Someone very dear to me is in my life because of my boat life and that alone is enough, but really I come away much richer for it. It came into my life when I needed it and now it's time to dive through threw the next door.
My next adventure takes me further away and is a big unknown, but is super exciting.
Watch this space..........
Rosie x
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Rosie doolittle
We saw a water snake on the Wey, swimming its way (Wey boom boom!) along side the boat! This was the most exciting have never seen a snake in the UK. Great spot by the boss.
I then spotted a turtle type creature, not sure exactly, don't think it was a terapin, was quite big. He was just sitting there, on a big log, in the middle of the Grand Union, near Kings Langley. A duck was sitting next to him. Very cool!
A couple of days ago I was walking along the tow Path on the Grand Union, I hear a lot of rustling in the reeds on the other side. I saw something slinking in between them and thought some sort of water rodent, but as it went on realised it was in fact a fish. A gihuge one! It was flaffing around in the reeds then splashing around in the water, there may have been more than one at some point. It was the biggest fish I have ever seen, thats for sure. Not sure of it type. It had a peachy pinky fin and a copper coloured body. It must have been at least a metre long. Was in a bit of a frenzy too!
A green woodpecker flying across the meadows on the Wey navigation.
A tree creeper, funnily creeping up a tree! Never seen one of those either!
A young female Mandarin duck on the Thames.
Lots of exciting spots.
NO kingfishers though. Keeping eyes peeled.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Swim hat Swim
I awoke in beautiful Cassiobury park on Thursday morning, feeling like I was in the Amazon. Damp, misty morning, the birds singing in the trees, heard through the water drips hitting the leaves of dense trees and foliage.
A very wet night meant very wet ground and a very slippy boat. I was walking along the gunnels towards the bow to untie the ropes and I slipped. A difficult part where the gunnels are narrow and covered by material from the well deck covers. I was being uber careful and slow, still not fully confident after my last incident. The next thing I knew, was totally submerged in water, briefly opening my eyes to seeing nothing but vast amounts of green water.
The bank was high so I couldn't get out, I was pulled out by my arms and belt loops!
I was a bit spluttery from canal water going up my nose, a sore bit on my arm and a little bewildered, but apart from that was pretty ok.
After a little time to stop shaking and gather myself, I washed the Grand Union out of my hair, got into some dry clothes, and carried on with a 11 lock day. A wee bit wobbly, but quite pleased I didn't visit the land of shock, as is my usual trick. I have escaped quite well I thought to myself.
I woke the next day, realising this was a foolish, just foolish. I was sore from head to toe and could barely bend down. My arm is bruised and scraped from armpit to elbow. It is very pretty!
I was furnished with Arnica cream and it is helping immensly and feeling much better today.
I am a spud, good job I can cook!
p.S. I lost my hat, it floated away down the Grand Union, never to be seen again. Sob.
Monday, 11 June 2012
Term 2
A great week off has relaxed and recharged me and things feel right again, back into place.
Our new crew girl is doing fab and helping things settle.
The last couple of months have been a real rollercoaster but think I have finally disembarked and the nausea is subsiding!
My poor Rosies Dream has been abandoned and therefore forgotten all wildlife spots and that milarki, but there maybe a wee change of track for a while so watch this space!
We are currently sitting in a lock, near Guildford on the Wey, which is flooded and so we are stuck! Please stop raining, one week of sun out of 2 months is not enough. It just isn't.
So more smiles but more rain.
See ya ladel
Thursday, 3 May 2012
soggy and bleeding
We were stuck on the K&A coming up to Crofton, a large tree had fallen and we couldn't pass, so the boys got out the saw, shimmied up the tree in the canal and started sawing bits off and dragging them away to make way for us. After I had served lunch I went to 'help' and was merrily dragging branches out the way and one particularly large pesky heavy one pushed me in the canal. I hauled myeslf back on, with a soggy bottom half, carried on and we decided there was no budging it so we need to saw it into smaller bits, great idea, me doing it, not so great. The sawing turned to my hand and without even realising, it was most odd, I just thought, ooh that looks strange whats that. As I looked more and was told oh you've cut yourself go put a plaster on it, I was looking at it blankly for ages thinking erm, not sure a plaster is gonna cut it here (good pun score!) as I could see flesh and stuff. Still no pain or blood, I then felt like I was going to throw up and faint. My boss came to the rescue, cleaned it up for me and organised a cab to pick me up to take now bleeding hand for attention.
We were of course in the middle of bloody no where, no roads and amazed he even got phone signal. I was out of it by now, laying down feeling like poo the world just whirling without me. I got bundled into a taxi after and hour or so and taken to Swindon and got seen at the health centre. They just glued me back together, stuck a hundred and two steri strips on and covered me all up. One of our lovely passengers came with me, bless her, she was great. I was a bit more with it by the time we got back but was exhausted. As I was on kitchen duty the boss decided to take everyone for the standard trauma pub dinner. Which was great as I could sleep not feeling guilty for missing work! I did eat dinner, but has big sleeps and felt better today. Just still really tired and hand sore. Managed one handed locking very well and my left hand was fashioning a very stylish (frightening) painted blue glove that belongs in a horror movie.
So all drama!
More chilled today, a slow day due to spaccy mod here and loads of birds out in the rain so loving watching them today.
Wildlife moments: lots today, seeing gosling's on the tow path,
multiple kingfishers, but the one which landed on the fence the best.
Hundreds of swallows and swifts diving around me and around the surface of the canal.
Seeing a greenfinch.
Seeing a baby Moorhen in its nest, teeny.
Smile moment: Yesterday, the kindness of everyone in my hour of need.
Today: the soldier waving at me from the door of the army helicopter, in both direction, brilliant.
Worst moment: being wobbly today on lock gates, not nice being scared of something that normally doesn't even factor.
So last day of an odd week this week. We are interviewing for a crew person tomorrow and am off out with my gorgeous sister in the evening, a dose of cuddles should make for speedy healing!
Locations for the next week are all over the place. We were meant to be heading Oxford way, but unlikely to be happening now. Floody floody flood flood. May end up staying on the K&A for a while. We shall see what happens, at the moment looks like more rain so situation may remain for a while! But other end of K&A not good either, so just up and down Caen hill for the next 5 months??!!
Night all
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Choppy Waters
Things are stressy and unhappy and I can't beleive the feelings I have being here, what I thought was my happy place. Where I felt safe and me. Has wobbled me.
Don't know how things will go, but I feel too awful.
Just want to be happy.
Will see what tomorrow brings, hopefully less tears and arguments.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Season 2
A week of sorting and beetling down the K&A comes to an end and one of guests and trundling bakc up the K&A begins.
Our first guests of the season arrived today and my first dinner cooked. They all seemed happy and empty plates returned to the kitchen which is the best compliment.
We have been in Bradford for a few days now, it is lovely here, busy little spot. Hire boat hell though, do they ever look to the side of them, we are hard to miss. Or not in their case.
We head off in the morning, heading back to Seend for tomorrow night and back up to Newbury for next weekend. Looking forward to having the lovely Kat on board tomorrow night, for Caen hill help on Monday. My shoulder and back haven't recovered from last time yet! (of Caen hill not Kat!)
Off to bo bo's, more wild life spots next time.
This just fits, love life here, the peg and the hole are the same shape. Nice feeling.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Watery Rosie
It feels lovely, just fits and feels right. Back in my wee o cabin and marching down the tow paths in my new funky boots. Which are looking after gammy ankle very well I must say.
We left Newbury on Sunday morning and made our way down the K&A to Hungerford where we moored up for the night and headed off in the morning and had a very VERY wet day locking our way to Crofton. We moored overnight at Crofton top lock last night after 10 miles of walking and 20 locks. I was wet through to my panties, but due to my marvellous new boots and jacket just from my ankles to my pants were wet! Awoke to a glorious shine in the sky this morning and a busy cleaning day on board, as after a mere 4 locks it was just trundling through a slow 15 mile pound.
We are in Devizes tonight and ready to tackle the Caen Hill flight tomorrow.
We will be stopping in Seend tomorrow night and then onto Bradford on Avon on Thursday. We will be there for a few days and picking up our first passengers of the season on Saturday. Need to remember how to cook for a gaggle of people, bit rusty!
Wildlife spot: Water vole, ran onto the tow path right in front of me. I thanked her and named her Valerie.
Wildlife un-highlight: 2 dead baby birds taken from their nest in shells.
Injury Count: 1. Got wedged inbetween the moving boat and the bank, crushed into the wooden edge, only half managed to get up onto the bank to escape, one leg left behind. Ouchie graze and bruise. Close call.
Giggle: Talk of 4D 'Adult' movies!
Smile moment: Lovely couple out for an Easter walk, sitting on a bench in the pouring rain eating their sandwiches under their hoods and walking off hand in hand.
Night night from me.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Leaving dry land
I was sure I would only feel excitement this time around as it is like my second home now, familiar and have proved to myself I could do it. For some reason this isn't so, I feel really nervous and a little anxious. I have packed and repacked many times and sit here with wriggling butterflies in my hungover tummy.
It has been a hard winter and I am glad to move on and back to being where I can be happy. In a couple of hours I will back on water and that makes me smile. Back to hard work and can't wait to get my teeth into something again after a fairly floaty 6 months, my winter of discontent as a very good friend calls it.
Anyway .... start of another chapter today. Days of windlass carrying and cake making are back in Rosie's life, hurrah to that!
I am off to Newbury where the boat is and has been over the winter and we head off tomorrow, bound for Bradford on Avon where we hope to be by Thursday. We get our new passengers a week today so a busy week of boating and getting the boat ready and looking like a hotel again!
I shall keep you posted with my movements again (err not those kind, my locations!) and would lovely to see you if you are passing or if I am close to me, give me a shout!
Right, to the boat I go!
See you on the water!
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Visa take me away, to a land down under, lalalala (not quite, but close enough)
It is big and scary and bloody exciting. I always wanted to do this, I have wanted to work abroad for many years and something or someone always stopped me. Not anymore. Rosie is off on big adventures and I can't wait to explore. At the moment not much in the way of plans apart from my departure date. Less than 7 months! I have 6 months of work before then to earn my pennies. My windlass and baking hands ready to do that.
My blog will continue of course so you can follow me around the world and look after me, all on my own in a big pot of kiwi fruit.
Night Night
Friday, 16 March 2012
the end of one and another begins
I have in said year read both Audrey Niffenegger's novels. She is wonderful. She is incredible at bringing the characters to life and making you fall for them, hook, line and sinker. She makes quirky story lines seem totally normal and you don't even question it.
I have just finished The Time Travellers wife, it was beautiful and for a non cryer at films, books and plays etc (apart from War Horse but that is in it's own league!) I shed a tear near the end. In an odd way I could empathise with some of it and a lot of the feelings rang true for me. Yes it made a little bit of an impact!
Thanks to the lovely Kat for passing it on to me.
So one end....
Another beginning....
But my story this time, Audreys beautiful story ended as I made a bold move to start my own new chapter. I have applied for a working visa in New Zealand. I have had confirmation of it's receipt and it should be being processed, right now!! EXCITED. This means so much to me, for 14 years I have wanted to do this and now I have the opportunity. I am going to wait until I get my visa before I plan too much and get too excited, soo watch this space...............................
(what a gimp saying!)
Strange week this week, I got home from a wonderful holiday last week, with Tendinitis! So I have spent ever since on crutches, laid up and very bored now! 10 days of nothing and cancelled plans is getting a bit scratchy now. So I plan to be back in action next week.
Only 3 weeks until I go back on the boat!!!! Wooooo.
Take Care
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Maybe not the Littlest Hobo
I have been a bit all over the place really, in location as well as in my head, in the head.
Apparently being free is not as easy as it may seem. I had a lovely few weeks living in Plymouth, in a gorgeous 7th floor flat, over looking the Hoe and the sea. Being in a city and by the sea was great and really enjoyed exploring. Alas my loneliness tendencies caught up with me, as did most other things. I got very low and in the end couldn't cope on my own anymore. It's amazing how in such a short period of time you can have such happy moments and some of the most desperate.
I left Plymouth earlier than planned and headed up to stay with my lovely sister. I needed love and cuddles and as my only source of that she let me come share her home. We haven't lived together since I was 12! It is not all roses, but having someone else around helps me and her I hope. I got myself a job at the beginning of December, working as a hotel receptionist. It was great to be able to work and the novelty of being able to work is still there, I enjoyed having a purpose again and something to make myself get up however much I wanted to dissapear into the base of the bed and never come out.
Sadly yet perhaps not that surprising, I got quite run down and last week suffered a bit of a relapse of old health issues, which I hoped were buried away. I returned to work after a couple of days, which only ended up being a tough lesson in not listening to my body.
I heard it loud and clear and decided to quit my job. My body has an amazing ability to tell me when things are wrong (and right), I am just sometimes too stubborn to listen to it and feel that it is failing. Also doing what I feel I should or what is expected by others tends to take over.
So my late New Years resolution is to do what is right for me, not what I fell I should do or what would be expected and accepted by others. Those who are special enough will just accept me for me. I hope!
So here I am, sitting in a messy house in the Cotswolds, with two old dogs, with 2 months to fill.
I return to the boat in April and just cannot wait. Life on dry land and what I call 'normal' life just doesn't fit me, I feel like an imposter. Going to and from the same place each day sends me into a coma like trance. I need travel back in my life.
I have been to the edge and back in the last couple of months, but am now feeling a little positivity that I can make happy again.
Sorry for deep post, just decided there was not much point if I just pretended all was fluffy and pink!