I have been here for a whole one of those! I left the uk, on the 1st of November and it is now December, I am in shorts and Tshirt in December, confusing times. Confusing but pleasing.
I am really happy here now, it took me a while to settle but I feel good here. I have met some lovely people and have a social life for the first time in years. The job is good, I enjoy being in a buzzy place, with people coming and going. I have two more weeks here and have a feeling I'm going to miss it. So glad to to feel this way after a freaked out start, rabbit in the head lights of a monster truck driving down the middle of a motorway.
On Sunday my head was filled with this.......Happiness is sitting here surrounded by new friends, watching a movie in our homemade cinema, having just cooked everyone a dinner of Mousakka and Apple Crumble and custard. Contented inner glow.
I have had a lovely day off, taken fishing by a colleague, sitting out in the sea in a wee boat in the sun watching penguins. The excitement of almost catching a fish but not quite, sustained me for a while. We stopped off at Rat island for a leg stretch and a wee! Something so special and exciting about uninhabited islands. Sat on a piece of driftwood watching the ripples in the cyrstal clear waters and shiney shells on white sand.
However nice it feels to be moving around, exploring new places, the feeling of being recognised and knowing people somewhere new is lovely, like an acceptence.
My hut has been my only bug bear really, but even that, I've grown to love, even with a door that doesn't close without a kick and a host of beasties visiting through the gaps in the windows and doors. I had a sweep and a wipe yesterday, I have clean bedding and felt comfy in there today. Even the most basic space can feel like a sanctury. The nicest thing is things I have taken for granted now being luxuries, light, water, power, luxuries we are blessed with. Living wih out them has been quite liberating.
Back at work in morning but off to see a new friend in the evening, for me being invited to do things is a beautiful novelty and makes me feel alive.
Hugs to all
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