Sunday, 18 November 2012

Rainy beauty part deux

Apologies for such a sudden end to rainy beauty, it was fully due to my rebelious computering devise. I gave him a telling off and then a cuddle.

Any way, so think we were on mussels picked from the rocks, which were delicious.  Did get me some strange looks in the hostel kitchen, but hey ho, used to that!

I had a nice lazy day after my orca day, a well needed chill out.  This enjoying yourself is crackering!
My lovely new pal from the flight came up to Paihia and enjoyed a good catch up with her and new friends alike.  I then went on a sailing trip on a gorgeous tall ship, call the R Tucker THompson, which is run for a Youth program, they do trips in the summer to fund it.  It was such a great day, fun and relaxing all in one.  It was so great to be on the water, to feel like I was boating again, which I have missed so much.  I did some steering (I managed a few hours before I need to get in on the action!), but all a bit different to canal boating and I kept trying to steer the opposite way!  Ah well I did manage not to crash into the cruise whip, so all good!  The water was apparently still only about 6degrees, but I couldn't resisit it, so not doing anything the easy way, I did a rope swing into the sea off the boat! Lordy that was fun, felt like tarzan!  No loin cloth sadly. 

yesterday, I had a few hours to kill until mybus arrived to whisk me away from my paradise.  A few weeks ago this would have meant sitting on the sofa with tea and a catch up on downtown abbey, but now, it meant going on a 14 odd km walk through forest and mangroves  to a waterfall!  It was stunning, the waterfall was lovely and could listen to it for hours, but the walk was incredible, think I was smiling the whole way.  Apart from the jaw dropping moment when I emerged from the forest to an expanse of turqoise water, with a bridge across, to thick mangroves.  A moment that will be with me forever I am sure.  My legs were like jelly afterwards, but happily exhauseted!

Lots of active fun stuff, but some chilled out moments as lovely, like playing monopoly with a bottle of gorgeous NZ wine and giggles with new friends.  Lying in our bunk beds mimiking the drink people outside and lying on the beach have a good gossip.

I had the most amazing time indeed, stunning in everyway. 

I am back in Auckland for the day, sorting some stuff out and then I am off again tomorrow.  I head off to the Coromandel.  I have a wwoofing job up there, which entails working for accomodation and food, I shall be working in an Organic Cafe, very much looking forward to getting stuck into something and sampling Nz life outside holidaying!

See you there.

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