Friday, 16 November 2012

rainy beauty

wow what a week up in the far north.
i travelled up to Paihia on monday for some chill time and good scenery, and got it in bucket loads.  it is gorgeous here and have ended up staying all week, just didnt want to move.

I'm staying in a lovely hostel with the beach just a spit away.  A small relaxed town surrounded by sparkly waters.  mostly.  Have had some rainy days, but even through the gales and driving rain today it remains beautiful.

I have been up to the most northly point Cape Reinga, so called but not quite true.  celebrated with a lighthouse and the belief that its where bad spirits leave.  It felt special to me and hope some of my negative spirits left me too.
The day also consisted of flinging myself down a huge sand dune, face first.  Sandboarding was a new one on me but lordy was it fun!  Ninety mile beach is also a bit of a fib, but with golden sands as far as the eye can see, who really cares that its really only about 87 km.
The next day took me on a dokphin swimming trip, sadly bo dokphins to be seen, but a gorgeous family of Orca's graced us with their presence.  They came right up the boat and swam under us, think they were saying hekko after watching them from afar for hours, quite breathtaking.  A trip around the bay of islands, even without dolohins was a joy.  There were some volcanic protrusions like the giants causeway apparently nestled amoungst the islands.  One of the guides jumped off t

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